Slim Cycle 28 Day by Avilent BioPharma

Sale Price: $52.45
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SlimCycle utilizes a revolutionary method of cycling on and off between two powerful weight loss formulas to allow for truly sustainable long term weight loss. This method is called the SlimCycle Weight Loss System. This is a radical scientific achievement, which no other company has ever developed.
SlimCycle is now available to the public without a prescription and contains all natural ingredients that have numerous other beneficial effects on the human body including solving the body's resistance to weight loss.
The SlimCycle patent pending system keeps the body in a perpetual weight loss mode without the body being able to prevent weight loss through its various biofeedback mechanisms that it relies on to maintain body weight at fixed levels.
The system is comprised of two product cycles.
Cycle I is a powerful dose of a patented ingredient that is taken for 21 days that shocks the body into weight loss. Before the body can build resistance to the weight loss, you stop taking Cycle I and you begin taking Cycle II.
Cycle II is a Cell Receptor Therapeutic System taken for 7 consecutive days. It restores the sensitivity that fat cell adrenergic receptor sites lose during Cycle I so they are resensitized to another shocking blow from Cycle I tablets causing them to release and burn more fat.