Miasms - hereditary toxins

Miasms (hereditary toxins)

We will not go into detail about the theory and practice of homeopathy. Nevertheless, in order to understand the enormous service it can perform in the field of genetics, we must introduce the fundamental concept of the ground” if you will in which only certain diseases can grow.” It can help to imagine the patients as separate agricultural fields where district combinations of chemical, geomagnetic and atmospheric energies promote and foster the growth of certain plants while preventing the development of others. Here, of course, the analogy stands for both physical and emotional problems and diseases. The homeopaths call these grounds miasms.”

We owe to the genius of Hahnemann the discovery of the presence of a limited number of miasms in human beings. In modern terms, we call these miasms hereditary toxins” or diathesis.” Hahnemann recognized this important fact and utilized it for therapeutic ends. Dr. Leon Vannier, one of the pioneers of genetic homeopathy stated At the onset of the symptoms of all diseases classically recognized we find one of the following toxic states which suffering humanity shares psora, syphilis, sycosis, tuberculosis. Their action is slow and it manifests in certain preferred directions, hindering the activity of an organ or of a function.”

At first examination it may seem strange that only four miasms could produce the enormous variety of illnesses we human experience. But remember, the entire genetic code is formed by the interplay of an alphabet made up of only four letters A (adenine), C (cytosine), G (guanine), T (tymine). In spite of this economy”, there are not two persons absolutely identical. As everyone knows, even in identical twins, fingerprints are different.

According to Hahnemann, the most common is the Psoric miasm, responsible for 7/8 of all chronic conditions. In Hebrew, psora” means gulf,” and Dr. Vijai Agrawal once said it is the gulf which stood between the law and the cure, which Dr. Hahnemann bridged for the benefit of mankind.”

Some of the plants” that may grow in the psoric Field” are paralysis, consumption, constipation, autointoxication, allergies, typhoid, epilepsy, tumors, leprosy, varicosities, hemorrhages, lack of concentration and anxiety.

Another miasm is Sycosis, old fig wart disease, from the tendency to form benign tumors, warts, and cysts. This toxic presence indicates heredity chronic infections, vaccinations, antibiotics, gonorrhea, and chemical drugs. Frequently it will develop in two phases the first characterized by watery infiltrations of every tissue, and the second by its opposite, sclerosis, and dryness. Here grow arthritis, pelvic disorders, and cellulitis.
Syphilis, the third miasm, may be the result not only of syphilitic infection in the family tree, but also of viral diseases in the pregnant woman (like rubella, mumps) or even alcoholism. Growth pains, skeletal deformation, aggravation at night, tears, desperation, and anxious states are among the conditions we can expect to find.

Finally, the last miasm - Tubercular, called Pseudo-psora by Dr. Timothy F. Allen - is characterized by rapid catabolism, demineralization, cellular destruction, changeability of symptoms, fragility of the respiratory system, dissatisfaction, and intolerance. Most people exhibit symptoms associated with more than one of these miasms, and typically, each comes to the fore and manifests its power at various periods in an individual s lifetime. One could endlessly discuss miasms, and a number of books have been written on the subject. For our purpose today, however, the point is this, by treating the mother during her pregnancy; it is possible to attenuate” her miasms, at least temporarily, to such an extent that they will be unable to cross the placental barrier.

But determining the miasms that characterize both parents is only the first step in homeopathy s diagnosis and treatment. Next, the practitioner must determine the constitution” of the mother. Frankly, this seems to be the single most pivotal factor in the entire reproductive process. Therefore, it is important to examine in some detail what these constitutions are, how they can be recognized, and in what way they relate to hereditary toxins, or miasms.

According to Dr. Vannier, there are three basic constitutions, each of them named after the calcium salt which homeopathically corresponds to the psychophysiology of that particular type Calcarea Carbonica, Calcarea Phosphorica and Calcarea Fluorica.

The constitution has three aspects the morphology of the individual his psychological behavior, and his pathological tendencies. Formed during gestation, the constitution does not change but remains the same throughout life.
There are many structural and psychological elements to guide us in finding the constitution of the mother. Dr. Vannier recognized the fundamental characteristics of the three constitutions. One of the main elements that he took into consideration when making a constitutional determination was the relative rigidity or flexibility of the joints.

The Calcarea Carbonic constitution is characterized by rigidity, or a notable lack of flexibility. Arm and forearm, thigh and leg even in forced extension are not in line but form an angle inferior to 180 degrees at the elbows and knees. Usually this constitution is connected to the sycotic miasm. The Calcarea Carbonic individual tends to have soft tissues, white skin, abundant perspiration of the head during sleep, is hypersensitive to cold and dampness, apathetic, headstrong or lazy, anxious about the future, and orderly. She may tend to develop nutritional diseases, extra-pulmonary tuberculosis, rheumatism's aggravated by cold, and when young, difficult dentition, diarrhea, or allergies.

In the Calcarea Phosphoric constitution the angles at elbows and knees are exactly 180 degrees. Therefore arms and legs for form straight lines. The corresponding miasm is Tuberculinic. Usually chilly and demineralized, the Calcarea phosphoric individual grows too fast, has a narrow of flat chest, is nervous and sensitive, with a short attention span, is changeable and may develop tuberculosis, hyperthyroidism, acne, or hypotension.

The keyword for the Calcarea Fluorica constitution is instability. Here, the joints open too much and the angle is more than 180 degrees. Linked to the syphilitic miasm, the Calcarea Fluorica individual tends to develop fibromas, cysts, exostosis, atherosclerosis, ptosis, varicosities, and mental and sexual perversions.

Homeopathy Pregnancy Schedule
Listed below is a homeopathic outline plan homeopathic for pregnant women that are based on the analysis of their basic constitution and operative miasms.
The first order of business is to address her constitution. The regimen which has been used successfully for the past 40 years can be summarized as follows (All dosages are 3 pellets)

A. Carbonic Constitution
Sulphur 7C: One dose daily alternated every 10 days with:
Medorrhinum 7C
Calcarea Carbonica 5C: One daily dose.

B. Phosphoric Constitution
Sulphur 7C: One dose daily alternated every 10 days with:
Tuberculinum 7C
Calcarea Phosphoricum 5C: One daily dose.

C. Fluorica Constitution
Sulphur 7C: One dose daily alternated every 10 days with:
Luesinum (Syphilinum) 7C
Calcarea Fluorica 5C: One daily dose.

These remedies should be started as soon as possible and continued throughout the entire pregnancy. Their purpose is to eliminate the transmission of the genetic diathesis.

If you are finding it difficult to select your constitution and you are not planning to seek the advice of a trained homeopathic practitioner. You may select two of the three closest constitutions.

At the beginning of the third and/or sixth month of pregnancy, one should tonify bilaterally (with a gold needle) the point of acupuncture K9 located 7 fingers above the inner malleolus, against the posterior border of the tibia, in a small indentation. This point cuts the hereditary or ancestral transmission of negative traits. George Soulie de Morant, the famous French acupuncturist, says of this point It produces a child with a luminous skin, who sleeps at night and laughs by day, does not get sick or if he does, he gets out of it very quickly, and is of a healthy spirit, mind, and body.”

The 6th month
At the beginning of the sixth month of pregnancy the mother starts preparation for delivery. This phase is basically the same for every constitution. Now we add 3 pellets of the following:

One dose monthly will provides a strong, soothing action on all organs in the pelvic cavity, especially on the uterus. Assists in safe and painless delivery, ensures living birth.

Cimicifuga Racemosa 9C

A tropism in the utero-ovarian area is noted, particularly for smooth and ridged muscles. This remedy covers the majority of obstetrical symptoms. The mental state of the pregnant woman can be characterized by irritability, depression and an exaggerated fear of a future pregnancy.

At the start of dilation, the woman may be shivering; she may seek heat and wish to be covered. The contractions can be irregular and ineffective. The pain may spread to the hips, thighs and the lumbar region. The gynecological examination may be rendered difficult due to extreme sensitivity of the vagina.

Kali Phosphoricum 5C, (used as a tonic) taken one dose daily.
Magnesia Phosphoricum 5C, (anti-spasmodic) for mental and emotional symptoms with feeble and ineffectual labor pains. Take one dose daily.
Natrum Phosphoricum 5C, (cramping of muscles) (radiating pains); to prevent against excess acidity in the system. Take one dose daily.

The 7th month
This will help the baby have a normal presentation. During labor, Pulsatilla contractions can be characterized by their irregularity, their weakness and their ineffectuality. They appear suddenly and gradually disappear. The pains may be erratic, accompanied by shivering and tears. This remedy may also be prescribed in cases of venous congestion with varicose veins in the lower extremities with varicosity in the thorax and legs.

Pulsatilla 7C: One dose monthly. Not to be taken on the same day as Cimicifuga.

The 8th month
Caulophyllum was used by the American Indian women to facilitate labor and birth. This remedy regulates the pain of spasmodic contractions. These contractions can be strong, irregular and ineffective on a rigid cervix. They can be accompanied by the shivers. The pains can be felt like pinpricks. The woman can be exhausted, prostrate, nervous and nauseous and experiences stomach spasms. Caulophyllum Thalictroides is also used to halt false labor contractions and prevent premature births.

Caulophyllum thalictroides 5C (hasten a slow dilatation) add one dose daily.

Due or past due, bleeding, fluid loss and exhausted
Secondary contractions after the birth, it helps the uterus to contract and prevents hemorrhaging. If you are already due or past due you may want to use the herb:

Black Cohosh by Pacific Health Science: Dosage of 20 drops in water 4 times a day.

Control bleeding and fluid loss during the last two weeks, add one dose daily.

Cinchona Officinalis 3C

Debility from exhausting discharges, loss of vital fluids together with a nervous erythrism or for soreness.

Arnica Montana 4C

Gestation movements of the fetus are painful.
During labor and birth, there is a feeling of bruising, extending to the rectum and the external genital organs, which is aggravated by the slightest contact. After the birth the woman is aching all over and may Hemorrhage during labor.

Arnica Montana, administered as a preventative.

Great lassitude
Nervous anticipation remedy associated with periods of prostration intercut with periods of excitation. Dilation is at a standstill. The pains may move up and down and in the back. Gelsemium emotions provoke trembling and transmission problems. Remedy for complete dilation in uterine inertia.

Gelsemium Sempervirens 5C

Of course, to this basic protocol you add whatever remedies are necessary to correct individual symptoms. Some of the most common ailments which homeopathy can greatly help are danger of abortion, asthenia, anxiety, constipation, cystitis, depression, emotional states, faintness, glycosuria, headache, hemorrhoids, heartburn, nausea, herpes, hypertension, insomnia, metrorrhagia and pains.

During labor, homeopathic remedies can also make a positive contribution.