Whooping Cough

Early symptoms (the first 2 weeks)

Whooping cough in a recognizable form evolves over a period of 2 weeks. It usually starts as a sore throat with a mild feeling of tiredness and being unwell, that within 2 or 3 days turns into a (usually) dry, intermittent "ordinary" cough. This persists, but may wax and wane over the next 7 to 10 days by which time the cough may become a little productive of small amounts of sticky clear phlegm, and occasional intense bouts of choking coughing start to occur. Fever is usually limited to the first week and is only mild. There may be a runny nose like a cold in the early stages. After the first 2 weeks, the characteristics described below are predominant.

Major Symptoms (usually from 2 weeks onwards)

Attacks of a choking cough that lasts from 1 to 2 minutes, often with vomiting, severe facial congestions and a feeling or appearance of suffocation. Between these attacks of coughing the sufferer appears and usually feels perfectly well.

These choking attacks of coughing happen as little as twice a day or as many as fifty.

Between attacks ('paroxysms' is the technical name) the sufferer may not cough at all.

Whooping' is a noise that comes from the voice box after a paroxysm when the sufferer is suddenly able to take a breath in again. Only about 50% of whooping cough sufferers 'whoop' but this is where the name comes from.

Sometimes the patient stops breathing after a severe bout of coughing, long enough to go blue. Occasionally the patient faints as well

Whooping cough lasts at least 3 weeks and can frequently go on for 3 months or even longer. I am told that in China it is called the 100 day cough.

Late symptoms:

Whooping cough resolves by a slow reduction in the number of choking attacks. From the time the attacks start to reduce in number, to the time they finish, it may be roughly from 2 weeks to 2 months or more. The average case of whooping cough lasts about 7 weeks. But for people with whooping cough visiting this site, it is likely to last longer, because only more severe cases are likely to get here

Important points

The crucial point for clinical diagnosis is attacks of severe choking cough separated by long intervals of NO COUGHING AT ALL.

There is immense variation in severity and duration of the illness.


You hear a paroxysmal cough first without a whoop, but she is a little sick. You then hear two more paroxysms, both followed by the distinctive whooping sound. It is the noise of breathing in, and comes from the larynx (voice box).

It is severe and fully developed. She only coughs like this five or six times a day. She coughs until her lungs are empty of air and then you hear several whoops one after the other as she tries to take a breath in. She frequently finishes an attack with vomiting.

He is about 40 years old and has had a cough about 3 weeks. A week ago it started to sound like this. The coughing time is relatively short before giving a loud whoop. This is repeated about 3 times before he retches severely and the paroxysm ends.

Self diagnosis

Can you answer "yes" to all the first 3 questions and "no" to the 4th? If so, there is a high probability you have whooping cough.

If you are not sure seek the help of a licensed practitioner.

Question 1
Are you between 0 and 120 years?

Question 2
Have you had attacks of coughing lasting at least a minute for at least 3 weeks, that come without warning, make you cough and cough and cough until you feel as if you are choking and unable to get a breath, making you red in the face, nauseous, and frightening anyone who observes you?

Question 3
Do you go for hours or more feeling fine without any cough at all?

Question 4
Have you ever had a cough like this before?

If in addition, you know other people who have or have had an identical cough, and you have been in contact with them, or you have been in contact with known whooping cough cases, then the probability that you have it is even stronger.


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